Our winning synergy to maximise

the performance of your company:


Feel like you should take some time out to reflect on your collective action ? Take advantage of an innovative tool, the Agile Profile® ; used by coaches who are certified by agil’OA and also possess extensive business experience.

Agility is fundamental to the lasting performance of an enterprise and the wellbeing of its staff. Regularly taking time to develop it is beneficial and enjoyable both on an individual and collective level.


Gain an awareness of your capacities to implement the three fundamental postures of agility: Anticipation, Cooperation and Innovation.


The uses of the Agile Profile®

  • IN COACHING AND INDIVIDUAL DEVELOPMENT: to accompany an individual or a team in their consideration of collective practical know-how, tied in with context and the nature of those involved.
  • IN TRAINING: to identify the levers of agile actions and to gain an awareness of actions of intra and inter team interdependence .
  • IN ADVISING : To maximise the chances of integration in a team through the demonstration of the ways of acting of a person, manager or a team in a specific context.

Agil’OA PLUS points

Innovator in the development of teams and individuals :

  • Take into account, in a specific context, a factor which had previously gone unmeasured ; collective action.
  • A focus on the anticipation of consequences, cooperation in relations of reciprocal satisfaction and innovation in contexts in which it can act as a catalyst for performance.

Get a call back : jbarrand@agiloa.com

Our model
of the age of agility

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